Desktop Companion - Settings Menu

Configure the Desktop Companion for integration with AWS and the RealLoad Portal.

Various application settings are configurable in the File Settings menu.

General settings

  • Default HAR input folder: Location where to look for .har (HTTP Archives) files by default. This should be the location where your browser writes files to.

  • Default export folder: This is the location where RealLoad HTTP test scripts will be exported to in JSON format.

  • Agent Secret: The Measuring Agent secret to authenticate connections from the RealLoad Portal to the Cloud Agent instance (AWS EC2 and Azure instances in future).

  • Default text editor: Path to the text editor to be used to edit text and CSV files. By default Notepad is configured on Windows and TextEdit on MacOS.

User API settings

  • Portal Account: Configure multiple portal accounts if needed, so that you can easily switch between accounts. Select “Enter new name” to add a new account. The Portal URL will default to the RealLoad shared portal.

  • Portal URL: The endpoint of the RealLoad portal User API. Unless you have an on-premise installation, use the default value external link

  • Authentication Token: Enter here the authentication token that was generated by the Portal as part of the pre-requisites steps. Click on the “Test” button to test the API token.

  • Refresh Interval: How frequently should the list of Measuring Agents registered with the RealLoad portal be refreshed. Any value 60 seconds or lower indicates no background refresh, you’ll need to manually trigger a refresh via context menu. By default set to 61 seconds (background refresh enabled).

  • Delete Button: Use the Delete button to remove a portal account.

AWS settings

  • AWS Access Key ID: Paste the AWS Access Key that was obtained as part of the preparation steps.

  • AWS Secret Access Key: Paste the AWS Secret Access key that was obtained as part of the preparation steps. Use the “Test” button to validate the credentials.

  • Preferred Instance Type: The EC2 instance type to use when launching a new Measuring Agent instance.

  • AWS EC2 Refresh Interval: How frequently should the list of AWS EC2 instances be refreshed. Any value 60 seconds or lower indicates no background refresh, you’ll need to manually trigger a refresh via context menu. By default set to 61 seconds (background refresh enabled).

  • My AWS Regions: Select the AWS regions you commonly use. To select multiple regions hold the CTRL key while selecting.

Proxy Recorder settings

  • Proxy Port: The TCP port on the local machine that will listen for incoming proxy connections. You’ll need to configure this port as the HTTP proxy in your browser.

  • Export CA Certificate: This exports the CA certificate used by reverse proxy to sign SSL certificates. The exported CA should be added as a trusted CA to the browser you’re planning to use to record HTTP requests.

The next settings should be left to default values, unless there are specific reasons for changing them.

  • Proxy Backend Server Start Port Range: Starting TCP source port range for connections generated by the Proxy.
  • Proxy Backend Server End Port Range: Ending (high) TCP source port range for connections generated by the Proxy.
  • Debug HTTP Headers: Enables capturing HTTP headers values in Proxy debug log.